Graphic Design Process – Posters


For this project, you will be designing posters to illustrate the graphic design process to visitors and tour groups.

Grading checklist

  • Create a project presentation page
  • Design one process poster per student
  • Use the Western-branded 24″ x 36″ poster template (download below)
  • Software: Use Illustrator, draw in vector, CMYK, 300 ppi

Your posters will help in two ways

  1. Help you our graphic design students to better understand the graphic design process
  2. Help high school students and visitors better understand what we do in the graphic design program.

Here are the five posters we need

The five posters will be hung on one wall so visitors and tours can see them together.

  1. Message and Audience (24″x36″)
  2. Brand Guidelines (24″x36″)
  3. Choose Marketing Pieces (24″x36″)
  4. Design Marketing Pieces (24″x36″)
  5. Where do Graduates Work? (24″x36″)

Use these examples as a guide for what you should include on each poster. Feel free to change some of these and to add your own ideas. You have a unique perspective as a graphic design student who has gone through the program.

Feel free to ask me any questions you have.

Infographic poster best-practices

Did you know that approximately 70% of all our body’s sensory receptors reside in the eyes? Furthermore, did you know that as much as 90% of all the information currently stored in our brains probably came to us through our eyes? This is what makes art and infographics so valuable when communicating with others. We communicate and learn visually.

Challenge yourself to make your poster infographics heavy. Try to use as little type as possible. This makes for a more interesting and informative poster.

Remember what makes a great infographic poster

  • Small chunks of information
  • Mostly graphics, few words
  • One emphasized header and or fact
  • Branded with a consistent, contemporary, illustration style
  • Consistent background design
  • Consistent branding

Poster Templates – Adobe Illustrator

You’ll use Western brand guidelines on your poster