Self-Evaluation & Critique – Forms & Examples

Design Project Critique Form

Design Project Self-Evaluation Form

Evaluation Scale Examples

Use these examples to help you self-evaluate your work and decide when your work is done and ready to be handed in or sent to your client.

2-Sided Flyer

Social Media Graphic

Mixed Recycling Bin Signs


(College graduate portfolio reel)

1. REEL – Ready to show a potential employer

Very nice work!
This has been nuanced, tweaked, and developed into a wonderful reel to show to potential employers. I like how the transitions and in/outs synch with the music. Nice touch!

It might have a few minor issues, but they are mostly design choices that are based on opinion.

2. REEL – Needs some improvement

  1. Followed instructions: Size and format is good
  2. Production Quality: Still a few margin gaps and off-center images
  3. Content: Very good. Show client logos?
  4. Design Style: The title intro scene is impressive and an example itself—nice work.
  5. Typography: Looking much better. Consistent.
  6. Color: Dark blue background works well.
  7. Photos/art/video: Good variety of skills and work
  8. Sound: Try an overall unifying sound throughout.
  9. Layout/transitions/flow: Better transitions and scene layouts. The layout still needs a little work though. Consistent type fade in/outs help. Try synching your ins and outs and transitions with an upbeat music track.
  10. Repeatable design elements: Solid background works to unify all scenes. Consistent type and layoutlook better too.

3. REEL – Needs a lot of improvement

  1. Followed instructions: Misspellings. The size and formatis good
  2. Production Quality: margin gaps, off-center items
  3. Content: Pretty good. Show client logos?
  4. Design Style: Inconsistent. The title intro scene with the name is still uninspiring and flat.
  5. Typography: Getting better. The same typeface, but now the weights are inconsistent.
  6. Color: Still not great.
  7. Photos/art/video: Good variety of skills and work
  8. Sound: No overall unifying sound. The Video sound juststarts and stops. No nuance or fade in/out.
  9. Layout/transitions/flow: Scenes are somewhat improved but still need more design nuance. Transitions are getting better.
  10. Repeatable design elements: Darken the background

4. Reel – Incomplete

  1. Followed instructions: Misspellings. The size and formatare good
  2. Production Quality: margin gaps, off-center images
  3. Content: Pretty good. Show client logos?
  4. Design Style: Inconsistent. The title intro scene with the name is uninspiring and flat. This should be a design example itself.
  5. Typography: Inconsistent, poor typeface choices, needs better type design to look more professional.
  6. Color: Poor color choice for the background
  7. Photos/art/video: Good variety of skills and work
  8. Sound: No overall unifying sound. The Video sound juststarts and stops. No nuance or fade in/out.
  9. Layout/transitions/flow: Scenes need better layout design, inconsistent layouts, and poor or no transitions between scenes. Some elements overlap between transitions.
  10. Repeatable design elements: Solid background works to unify all scenes, but it’s too light. More consistent type design would help unify scenes too.