Vector Animation – Instructions

For this project, you will create a 10 to 30-second marketing video. You can use vector animation or photos and videos.

Vector animations are popular to help illustrate and deliver simple-to-complex messages, stories, and instructions.

Two Important Notes

  1. While you will learn how to animate the individual vector anchor points in a drawing in this class, you don’t have to make your vector-animated video that way. Most marketing videos don’t do it that way, either. This decision will make more sense after I explain this project more in class.
    • You may create your vector animation in one of two ways:
      • Animate each Adobe Illustrator layer as one object in After Effects
        (It’s like using each vector layer as a photo)
      • Or, you may drill down into the vector layers and paths and animate the individual anchor points. This takes a lot of time and planning, but you can try it if you want.
  2. Or . . . If you just can’t wrap your mind around the vector animation . . . or, if you feel you might be working at a place that creates marketing videos with more photos and videos, I’m okay if you do another marketing video like we did in Graphic Design & Marketing (Apple Orchard). You can download the completed apple orchard video below and use it as a template. Just open it in After Effects and start changing it to fit your topic. You can change the text, photos, and videos and customize it with your own typefaces, colors, transitions, music, and boxes and borders. Employers want you to be able to tell a story with a video. It’s okay if it’s with photos and videos instead of vector animation.

    If you want to rewatch the Apple Orchard tutorial videos they are under the GD&M tab in the nav.

    Download the Apple Orchard Marketing Video Templates here:
    Apple Orchard Marketing Video –

For this project, you’ll:

  1. Create a 10 to 30-second vector animation (or video with photos and/or videos)
  2. Ideas for your topic could include (or, you can choose your own):
    • An explainer animation that teaches how to do something (what are you good at?)
      • How to crochet or knit
      • How to bake cookies
      • How to stretch before exercising
      • How to care for houseplants
      • How to plant a garden
    • A product or service marketing video
      • Pick one of your favorite products (food, clothing, shoes,
      • Farmer’s Market
      • City-wide events like a garage sale, parade, carnival, music in the park, etc.
    • An activity that may help improve your physical and mental health
      • 30 minutes of daily exercise can improve . . . (you research)
      • 10 minutes of daily meditation can improve . . .
      • 10 minutes spent in nature can . . .
      • 10 minutes of daily journaling can . . .
      • Daily time spent with family and friends can . . .
  3. Have your work critiqued by peers and your instructor
  4. Present your work to the class
  5. Upload your final video .mp4 to the link in Blackboard > Assignments

Video Grading Checklist

  • Create one vector animation (or marketing video with photos/videos)
  • 1920 x 1080 pixels
  • 10 to 30 seconds long
  • Comp in Illustrator and Photoshop (optional but helpful)
  • Animate in After Effects and render in Adobe Media Encoder
  • Participate in class presentations and critiques
  • Upload final MP4 video to Blackboard assignment area

Student Vector Animation Examples

Behance Moodboard 1:

Behance Moodboard 1:

Examples: Behance Collection of Vector animations

Here’s a link to a collection of cool vector animations.

Behance Moodboard: Behance Vector Illustrations Collection

A powerful marketing and educational tool

Animated videos can:

  • Show how to do something
  • Convey a message or idea
  • Tell a story
  • Illustrate a process
  • Make a sensitive or boring subject lighthearted

They are effective marketing tools in: