Sustainability Tip – 8.5 x 11 Poster

For this project, you will be designing an 8.5″ x 11″ sustainability tip poster for a sustainable topic of your choice. These posters are for the Western Sustainability Department. They will be used to help educate students, faculty, and staff on how we can live a more Earth-friendly, greener lifestyle.

These posters will be displayed in the Union Market behind the recycling bins:

Grading checklist

  • Design one sustainability tip poster
  • Choose the message for your tip from the list below, or create your own. Make sure it’s something you can integrate into your life today.
  • 8.5″ x 11″ (you may use the poster template below)
  • Software: Use Illustrator, draw in vector, CMYK, 300 ppi

Messages to choose from

  • Please recycle correctly. Empty all containers before recycling
  • Please recycle correctly. No food or liquid in recycling
  • Please recycle correctly. Aluminum cans (emptied), tin cans (emptied), plastic bottles, and paper, can all be recycled.
  • Skip the straw
  • Walk or bike to school and reduce your carbon footprint
  • Use reusable water and hot beverage cups
  • Take 5-minute showers
  • Understand one new perspective today
  • Become a lifelong learner and change your world
  • Exercise every day to improve your physical and mental health
  • Practice 3 random acts of kindness today

Poster Template – Adobe Illustrator

Use this template, or design your own 8.5″ x 11″ layout.

Remember what makes a great infographic poster

  • Small chunks of information
  • Mostly graphics, few words
  • One emphasized header and or fact
  • Branded with a consistent, contemporary, illustration style
  • Consistent background design
  • Consistent branding
  • Use only as much type as needed. More art/ images are better
  • Focus on one concept with your infographic slide
  • Only use 1–2 typefaces
  • Create a color scheme with 3–5 colors
  • Deliver your facts in small chunks
  • Use a contemporary design and illustration style

Inspirational Illustration styles

What to impress employers? Step up your illustration game and draw like these professionals.

Behance Vector illustration Collection

Print your work for your Client

  1. Make a PDFx (2001) of your final poster (be sure to add trim marks)
  2. Print two final posters on Tabloid Oversize (12×18)
  3. Cut them down using the trim marks so the final size is 8.5″ x 11″

Student Examples

These examples are horizontal, yours will be vertical and 8.5″ x 11″.