Social Media Graphic – Instructions

On this page (quick links):


The continued popularity of social media brings with it the need for social media graphics. Many graphic designers are asked to create graphics and banners for their companies’ and clients’ social media sites.

These graphics include:

  • Highlighted products and overall brand
  • Company values and beliefs
  • New employee highlights and announcements
  • We’re hiring!
  • Join us for our open house
  • Product launches
  • Fundraisers
  • Goodwill efforts, good stewardship partnerships, or charitable affiliations the company enjoys
  • Landing a new account
  • Launching a new website or app

The list is endless. In a recent study, social media graphics were the third most frequent project designers reported working on.

Grading Checklist

  • Design one social media graphic for a client, subject, or product of your choice
  • You can download the Vans Brand Assets Project Folder below and start designing immediately
  • Or choose a client from my Client List
  • Size: 1080 x 1080 pixels
  • Software: (set up your own free account)
  • Find more stock photos:,,
  • Export a PNG from Canva, or (in Illustrator) save your final graphic for the web as an optimized 1080 x 1080 pixel .png (See instructions below)
  • Critiques: Participate in critiques of your work
  • Presentation: Present your final work to the class


Student Work

4 Levels of Graded Design Work

(Always strive for Client-ready)

Social Media Graphics – Best Practices

  • Follow your client’s brand guidelines when they have them
  • Follow pixel dimensions for each specific platform, or use a universal size of 1080 x 1080 pixels (recommended).
  • Highlight one message, topic, or subject only per graphic
  • Use large headlines to grab attention
  • One large photo or graphic to grab the attention
  • Brand your design with your client’s logo, typography, colors, layout, and repeatable design elements.

Design for Vans shoe brand on

More and more companies are asking designers to know how to design in While it’s not as robust as the Adobe programs, it is still popular with many companies. I think it is good for you to have some experience designing on its online web platform.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Go to and create your own free account
  2. Create a new project for an Instagram social media post (1080x1080px)
  3. Download the Vans brand asset project folder here: Vans – Brand Assets Project
  4. Upload the entire project folder into Canva
  5. Design your social media post
  6. Download a PNG from Canva for critiques and to hand in

Here’s my example design:

Or, one more option . . . Here’s a Design Template for Habitat for Humanity (in Adobe Illustrator)

I’d prefer you get some design experience in Canva, but if you really want to work in Illustrator, I’m flexible. Just download and open the Illustrator template below and get started.

Tutorial Video: How to create the social media graphic in Illustrator

Most of you haven’t had Illustrator class yet, so this tutorial shows how to get started with some Illustrator basics. It has everything you need to get started, from opening the template, loading fonts, finding and placing photos, drawing vector shapes, and adding and modifying text.


Export your final social graphic to a web-friendly PNG file

These are the final files that you would deliver to your client (or hand in to me, your teacher)

FIle > Export > Export As . . .
Match the settings above (use your own name), and click Export
Match the settings above, and click OK.
The two new files will be on your desktop as separate PNG files.

These are now optimized for the web and can be delivered to your client and directly uploaded to their social media accounts.

Good Job!