Photoshop: 3D Marketing Graphic
Hand In
- A page showing your original photos
- A PNG of your new 3D Marketing Graphic (300ppi)
Create a 3D Marketing Graphic that educates us with interesting products or data
- Composite 10–20 images together to educate us
- Choose your subject and data set if doing a graph
(favorite pizza toppings, most popular music streaming services, world’s tallest buildings, most popular kid’s sports, most raised farm animals. What subject lends itself to a 3D stacked bar graph or a 3D disk-shaped pie chart?) - Use Google Advanced Search to find usable, hi-res photos. Be sure to use the usage rights filter when searching
- Create your Photoshop file to size (CMYK, 8.5×11, 300ppi)
- Sketch ideas and layouts as needed
- Begin finding photos, type, art, colors, logos, and design elements
I am in the process of working on this 3D marketing graphic for a fictitious fastener and building supply company. I wanted to show an example of what your project might look like.
Still in progress . . .
Here are the photos I’ve used so far:
I found these using Google Advanced image search with the licensing filter applied.
I photographed these fasteners myself