Infographic Poster – Instructions
What is an Infographic? Simply put, an infographic delivers the information with a visual that is primarily art and graphics—with little or no words. It speaks visually to your audience, showing them what you are trying to communicate instead of telling them or having them read too many words in a PowerPoint.
Be as clear as possible. Use only enough information to clearly deliver your message. If you use too much you may clutter the message. Use too little, and you may not provide enough data to effectively communicate your message. Sound difficult? It is. That’s why graphic designers are called expert visual communicators.
Did you know that approximately 70% of all your body’s sensory receptors reside in your eyes? Furthermore, did you know that as much as 90% of all the information currently stored in our brains probably came to us through our eyes? This is what makes art and infographics so valuable when communicating with others. We communicate and learn visually.
Grading Checklist
- Design one infographic poster
- Size: Use the template below (11×17, CMYK, 300
ppi )
(Change the layout as-needed, or create our own layout) - Software: Adobe Illustrator
- Use only as much type as needed. More art/ images are better
- Focus on one concept with your infographic slide
- Focus on 5–10 related facts
- Only use 1–2 typefaces
- Create a color scheme with 3–5 colors
- Deliver your facts in small chunks
- Use a contemporary design and illustration style
- Participate in a critique
Here’s a template to download and use (optional)
Use the Adobe Illustrator template to create your poster. This is the bare minimum you need to create. Feel free to expand or change the design layout to make it your own. Just be sure you keep the same elements shown below.

A Quick Introduction to Adobe Illustrator Pen Tool
If you’re new to Illustrator, fear not, this video will help get you comfortable with the Pen tool. It’s a good resource to have as you begin to draw your vector images for your infographic poster.
I’ll demonstrate more of the basic tools in Illustrator in class too. I’ll show you enough to get your poster done and do it well.
Infographic Best Practices

Inspirational illustration styles for you to try on your poster
Want to impress employers? Step up your illustration game and draw like these professionals.
Behance Vector illustration Collection

Student Examples
Student examples of posters

Industry Examples